Thursday, March 20, 2014

Still looking at cameras.

If you've read my earlier post, I was thinking of getting Sony SLR cause my DSLR was too heavy.
Now that my dlsr is totally dead, sensor no longer working anymore, it's going to be a huge problem for me to photoshoot my online shop's products in future.
Really need to get a new camera.
So before setting my eyes 100% at sony, I thought why not look at other alternatives first...
Therefore today, I've went to Harvey Norman & Best to look at cameras & check out the pricing & making some other comparisons.
I'm not a expert in cameras, for is just basic use for photoshooting my shop products & daily scenery.
Frequently taking really upclose pics of my products, and therefore a normal compact camera is definitely not even an option to think of.
DSLR is probably a way 'too good' camera for me, and since these days a SLR can share the same effect of what a DSLR can do. Plus, it's at a much cheaper pricing, so why not.

 This Samsung NX2000 SLR was recommended to me.
To be frank, weight and img quality are my priorities, not exactly the color.
This pinky has totally similar functions as SonySLR and pricing is lower than Sony as well.
This cotton candy pink color camera really do looks attractive. 
At the price of $599.
It have a slightly response faster than SonySLR, but in terms of img quality, it loses to SonySLR.
*Btw, currently only sony slr can take selfie pictures, I guess it's one of the main function which attracts a lot of ladies to aim for it.

Next option which is most likely my final decision is this Canon Eos M.
Link for full spec info:
It comes in 4 colors, Silver, White, Black & Red. (Depends on the kit you're getting)
I'm getting (KIT II) the 22mm lens: Black
High Sensitively, amazingly fast autofocus response in normal mode & even on video mode.
Touch screen just like Sony & Samsung SLRs as well.
Slightly heavier body weight because it's body is made of metal while Samsung & Sony SLRs are made of plastic.
Compact size and img quality is even better than my other 2 options.
Currently, having promotion: Pricing is currently at $559, original price of $1210 (inclusive of many freebies)
I think it's really the best deal I can ever get. 
So instead of pinky ones, I've decided to go for this plain black canon.
Ultimately, color is just an option, most imptly is its ability & durability.
Canon is made in japan and it's really durable despite of my 'chao-lou-ness'.
Usually one dslr lifespan is around 3years, after 3years the sensor part will eventually tear & wear.
I'm glad mine pull it through for close to 2years more.
So really hoping that my next canon product would serve me for at least another 5 years...'pray hard'!

Any feedbacks or recommendations, feel free to drop me an email! 

Another main thing which attracts me to this canon camera is that KIT II comes along with a adapter in the set.
I can reuse my old lens 18-55mm & 50mm, so long as I have the adapter. ( as shown below: on the right)
Attach this adapter to the SLR, it allows you to connect your other canon lens to your SLR.
Isn't it wonderful?
 Despite your camera body has died, your additional lens are once again being useful! 
You may purchase separately at $179.

However, Speedlite (90EX) is not included in my kit.  (as shown below: on the left)
Canon is selling it at $159.
Of cos, there are many other better options speedlite than purchasing 90EX
I've done my little market research yesterday, walking from one camera shop to another camera shop.
The best place to get your best price for all your camera products will be at Lucky Plaza. 
The online reviews of purchasing your items at lucky plaza sounds pretty good, as long as you're not a tourists, they won't really scam you. 
Do your market research before bargain at lucky plaza, you will be quite amazed by the price which they're able to provide you with.