Monday, March 24, 2014

Post Kite Day with peeps.

This is a really late post, hahahs.
2 weeks ago, I've spent a weekend hanging out with my peeps for a simple picnic & kite flying @Marina.
It's quite a hazy day, but still, many families spent their family day there as usual.

Such a lovely sight to see... a family of 3, having fun by spending a simple & good time together :)

My simple OOTD for the day!

PR & Ronnie trying to fly the kite. 
Our kite was quite disastrous, didn't really manage to make it fly in a proper manner. 
Quite an epic fail, hahahs!

 Blow Wind Blow, blow what ?

Windy, Hazy, Dusty, Sweaty, Chatty, Hungry, Happy & Tiring. 
That pretty much had summarized our day! 
I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT WEEKEND!  (just because today is monday)