Monday, March 3, 2014

Photography on current sparks.

Hi readers again, 
Currently, I'm kinda occupied, busy doing my online shop and working on some other miscellaneous stuffs. 
Hope you guys enjoyed your busy monday as much as I did :)
So for today, I will be sharing with you guys the recent popular photography on internet.
And the reason why I would like to share these 3 artists, mainly is because I find them not only aesthetically amazing, but conceptually brillant as well. 
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Her works brings viewer a little creepiness and yet humorous.
Following video, she speaks a little about herself & her works. (Do watch!)

I can totally relate to nicolas bruno' intention of using art as a form of therapy to overcome his fearful dreams. 
And it did works for him ... and for me.
Works therefore, appeared to be surrealistic & mysterious.

'Miss Aniela' (NATALIE DYBISZ)
Official Website: