I am a collector, just like any other collectors, turning their habits into hobbies.
Have you ever came across specific items which instantly sucks your attention, and the urge of wanting to turn them into a hobby, playing a big part of your life?
Well, not everyone is a collector:)
Since young, I like to collect letters, cards, timetables, diaries & even finger nails!
Okay, after I grew up, I thought it's kind of gross, so I stop collecting nails anymore. (Just to clarify, I'm not mad, I just thought they might grew longer if I kept them, that's all! Hahahaahas, such a retard I know!)
As a teenager and gradually becoming an adult, still I continue my habits of keeping & collecting a lot of 'stuffs'... (Nothing unusual, no worries)
For accessories wise, I like to collect huge bling-ing rings, simplicity & bling necklace designs.
My rings collections are completed.
I do have all the various shapes which I wanted to collect in my mind, therefore, I'm really contented!
But sometimes when I'm looking for my rings, I cant' help to question myself why do they look like engagement rings rather than a normal piece of accessory?
Of cause, all of my rings are affordable pricing, none of them exceeds $50.
The designs are like all girls' dream !
Hoping that their engagement will be of such basic shapes and bling-ing & shiny bright like the diamonds. ( Oh, I mean real diamonds... )
Following img is part of my rings collection over the past few years.
I have quite a no. of rings, these few big ones are my favs. (Square, Heart & Circle shapes)
My customer ask me before, where do I find these rings?
Nowhere specific, it's my luck to spot them unexpectedly in various accessories retail outlets.
For display items, I wish & like to collect will be Hello Kitty, My Little Ponies, Lego Toys, Merry go Round with cool music & pretty meaningful bracelet charms.
For travelling/ memorial items wise: I like to collect Tickets, Name cards, Maps, Receipts & even Paperbags.
Alright, I sounds literally like a Garanguni right?
I enjoy the feeling of collecting things that I like.
It gave me a kind of satisfaction. Somewhat, a feeling of completion.
I like to make diy items and gave them to people that I love.
There's a part of me hoping to be a part of others' collection, this simply brings me much joy:)
I like every single special occasions, I like to be a reason of being someone's else collection & memory.
Therefore, I love gifts.
Not only they make me feel so appreciated. Also, they enables me to keep them in my collection, whether it's physically or in my memory.
Besides a collector, I love making crafts.
I have so much patience for crafts, which even I myself do not understand why.
I can jolly sit down for hours, just to stick little pieces of blings blings onto little pieces of ponies.
I can cut fabrics and sew them piece by piece, all day long without feeling exhausted.
I remember sitting right infront of a ceramic wheel machine, focusing making cups & bowls for the entire day without leaving my seat.
Art grows my patience, collections grow my passion.
Sometimes, I really hope that I can divert such patience & tolerance into my life when handling personal matters.
I'm still searching, for the right platform to change myself .
As long as I dont give up in searching, I know I can make it happen!